Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Today I was listening to political commentary on President Obama's speech the other night. The commentator said that it was true that the Democrats did not have a plan but that what we needed was a deal. I may be a bit foolish and uniformed but I thought a deal was the exchange of something that is mutually gratifying to each participant of the deal. In this particular case a plan to cut spending and a plan to increase revenue. I would say that without a mutually acceptable plan, we are left with NO-DEAL.

Afterthought: I think that we still have enough time to hire Monty Hall to broker the DEAL. He has experience in making deals and as a Canadian, he will provide an unbiased approach. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Whats up at the White House?

Every time I check in on the news it seems the Democrats and the Republicans are always working on a deal but a deal is never hammered out. I guess if your a Washington Politician you would want to show that your working on compromise but never coming to agreement. Then you have a re-election campaign and blame it on the other party.

If the Politicians were to agree and actually enact a bipartisan plan, we would not know which party to vote for.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Can I Help You?

Lets not forget " Can I Help You Honey" NO! you can not, I am not your honey and 90% of the time I would not dream of being your honey.

Can I help you?

Why is it when you are in a store of your choosing and having a difficult time of it a usually teenage employee of the store will walk up to you and say "can I help you" and then proceed to be of absolutely no help at all. In fact, after explaining your plight the employee will say something like " I don't work in that department, man" then take off to find someone else to hand you off too. When and if the new employee arrives he/she will not know either. If you are able to hang in without having to take a Valium the last employee will show up. The Assistant Store Manager. You will recognize the black skinny tie and wrinkle shirt. He or She will say we don't carry that anymore. At that point feel free to scream.